# Ignore missing chapters You want to perform update manga after moving downloaded chapters to another place but mangadex-downloader keeps downloading the missing chapters. How to avoid this ? Worry not the `--ignore-missing-chapters` is your option. Simple add `--ignore-missing-chapters` to the CLI arguments and the missing chapters won't be downloaded anymore ```{warning} This option cannot be used with `--no-track` option ``` Example usage: ```sh # We try to perform clean download # Meaning that, the manga is not downloaded yet mangadex-dl "insert URL here" -f cbz # After that the manga is downloaded. # And you moving the chapters to somewhere else # and now the downloaded chapters are gone moved to another place ... # If you want to update it, # but do not want to re-download the missing chapters # simply add --ignore-missing-chapters option mangadex-dl "The same URL you downloaded" -f cbz --ignore-missing-chapters ``` And done, the missing chapters won't be downloaded anymore.