List library command

Show all saved MangaDex lists from logged in user or from another user. You will be prompted to select which list want to download.


mangadex-dl "list:<user-id>"

If <user-id> is given, it will show all public MangaDex lists from that user. Otherwise it will show all MangaDex lists from logged in user.

You can give just the id or full URL to <user-id>.


Authentication is required if <user-id> is not given.

Example usage

Show all MangaDex lists (private and public) from logged in user

mangadex-dl "list" --login

Show all public MangaDex lists from another user

# MangaDex lists from user "BraveDude8" (one of MangaDex moderators)
mangadex-dl "list:"
# or
mangadex-dl "list:81304b72-005d-4e62-bea6-4cb65869f7da"